Hospital Helper

Monday, March 06, 2006

Angioplasty Accomplished...

Phillip here:

Much to our surprise, Gordie was able to have his cath / angioplasty done today at 2:00 (not 4). I just found out that they were able to take care of one blockage that was the source of his heart attack. The doctors said that they noticed another blockage and were going to discuss what to do about it with Gordie later. I don't know what this is about, but I get the sense that it is not serious or a high priority... I'll fill you in about this later.

Praise God that He has been able to bring us this far in such a short amount of time!

Gordie is doing well now, but he has to lie flat until after 6:00pm. This, however, isn't a problem, as they have him doped up on Benadryl in case he was allergic to the dye.

If you want to call and give him some encouragement, I recommend calling Joan directly on her cell. They would love to hear from you.

If you want any more details, you can call me on mine (305-5569).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Waldocks- we are so thankful Uncle Gordie is doing well and getting the care he needs. Thank you for the updates- it makes distance seem not so far. Love and prayers for all-
The Waldock-Aguayos

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thankyou for the update and so happy to hear of the progress. please provide Joan's cell number. thanks
David Waldock

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Gordie and family, We have been praying and following the unfolding of the Lord's working out of your care and treatment from the beginning. Praise the Lord. What a wonderful way He works. We are so glad that you are doing better. Happy Birthday Joan.

Peter & Cheryl from Tacoma

11:04 PM  

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