Hospital Helper

Friday, March 03, 2006

Early Thursday Morning

Well, I think I'm the last one who should be writing this since I know the least but I want everyone who wants to know and has a computer to have a resource.

As you already know, my dad went in to Henry Mayo hospital early Thursday morning with chest pains. Once he got there they said that he either had a minor heart attack or was on the brink of a major one.

After almost a full day of getting tests and second opinions they decided that he needed a dye catheter thingy done (sorry, I'm sure there is a technical term). Henry Mayo is not equipped to do this test so they would need to transfer him.

Unfortunately my dad doesn't have insurance and since he has already been admitted to Henry Mayo no other hospital has to take him. He is on a waiting list at two different county hospitals but might have to wait for 6-8 weeks to get the treatment he needs.

My poor dad is already bored to tears and since he feels o.k. (the nitroglycerine gives him a slight headache) he will have a hard time taking it easy, especially if he has to be in the hospital for 2 months.

My sister (Jessica) went in today (Friday) to talk to the hospital social services and to see if my dad could get insurance through MediCal. After talking with several people she has decided that pending my parent's approval we will wait until he is completely stable, check him out of the hospital against medical advice and drive him to one of the hospitals that do the test he needs. It's a risky way of doing things especially since he is in ICU right now but it looks like it is our only choice. Once he is checked out of Henry Mayo he can walk into any emergency room and by law they have to admit him and treat him.

Please pray that the Lord would give our family wisdom to know how to proceed. Pray also that he can get transferred / transported safely to a hospital that can take care of his needs. Pray also that God would bless us with peace and that all of us would turn to Him for strength at this time. More later ....


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